17. DBAPIs and psycopg2

DBAPIs and psycopg2 Heading

DBAPIs and psycopg2

ND004 C01 L02 22 DBAPIs And Psycopg2


DBAPIs and psycopg2 Recap


We will sometimes want to interact with our database and use its results in a specific programming language. E.g. to build web applications or data pipelines in a specific language (Ruby, Python, Javascript, etc.). That's where DBAPIs come in.

    • provides a standard interface for one programming language (like Python) to talk to a relational database server.
    • Is a low level library for writing SQL statements that connect to a database
    • is also known as database adapters
  • Different DBAPIs exist for every server framework or language + database system
  • Database adapters define a standard for using a database (with SQL) and using the results of database queries as input data in the given language.
    • Turn a selected SELECT * from some_table; list of rows into an array of objects in Javascript for say a NodeJS adapter; or a list of tuples in Python for a Python adapter.

Examples across languages and server frameworks

psycopg2 is the focus of this course since we are using a Python stack.

Install psycopg2

We will install pysocpg2 and use it to establish a connection to our postgres server, and interact with it in python .

psycopg2 installation steps

Follow the psycopg2 install instructions found here .

Install Tips:

  • Make sure you have Python 3 version between 3.4 to 3.7. You can find out with

    $ python --version
  • Use the latest pip version: $ pip3 install -U pip

  • Replace X.Y in the export PATH... line with the version of Postgres you are using. Find out with $ postgres -V . E.g.:

    $ postgres -V
    postgres (PostgreSQL) 10.2

    If the version is 10.2 , then replace the X.Y in the export PATH line with 10.2 :

    In ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc, we should add:

    export PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/10.2/bin/:$PATH
  • To export and add things to your PATH , add the export PATH=.... line to either ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile on your machine, e.g. with vim :

    $ vim ~/.bashrc`
    # or
    $ vim ~/.bash_profile

    where you can use :w , :wq vim commands to edit your bash file and add the export PATH=... line somewhere. (See also: Vim tutorial

  • When you are done editing your bash profile, be sure to run source ~./bash_profile or source ~/.bashrc on your edited file, so your terminal session can grab the latest profile changes.

  • After editing your bash profile, you are ready to run the install step:

    $ pip install pyscopg2
  • A prerequisite for psycopg2 is OpenSSL. If you try installing and run into error ld: library not found for -lssl , then install openssl first.

    • On homebrew (for macOS or Linux): run brew install openssl (or sudo brew install openssl )

    • Otherwise, you can visit the OpenSSL Downloads page to download OpenSSL for your machine.

    • Add the LIBRARY_PATH to your bash profile:

      export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/

      Don't forget to run source ~/.bash_profile or source ~/.profile when done.

  • If the regular install doesn't work, you can also just install the binary version instead:

    pip install psycopg2-binary

    which replaces the need to run pip install pyscopg2

  • Install troubleshooting threads: